It’s Follow-Up Friday: Passover Puzzling edition!

Welcome to Follow-Up Friday!

By this time, you know the drill. Follow-Up Friday is a chance for us to revisit the subjects of previous posts and bring the PuzzleNation audience up to speed on all things puzzly.

And in today’s post, I’m returning to the subject of Rube Goldberg machines.

[Click here or on the image for a larger version.]

For the uninitiated, a Rube Goldberg machine is an intentionally overcomplicated device that uses multiple steps to accomplish a simple task. It’s an exercise in creative inefficiency, and a delightful one at that.

But some Rube Goldberg machines are designed to give those odd intermediate steps greater meaning, so that instead of an elaborate series of domino-style mechanical events leading to one minor accomplishment, several things are accomplished along the way.

And every once in a while, a Rube Goldberg machine tells a story, using those intermediate steps to depict meaningful events along the way. It’s a colorful and inventive way to teach, one that definitely grabs your attention.

The Jewish festival of Passover begins tonight, and I recently stumbled across a Rube Goldberg device that presents the story of Passover, including the liberation from slavery in Egypt, the plagues, and Moses leading the Exodus.


You know, if other important historical events were told in Rube Goldberg fashion, I think history classes would be far more popular. Just saying.

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3 thoughts on “It’s Follow-Up Friday: Passover Puzzling edition!

  1. Pingback: It’s Follow-Up Friday: Subway Time Travel edition! | Blog

  2. Pingback: Rube Goldberg Overload! | Blog

  3. Pingback: “World’s Greatest Billiards Shot” is actually a feat of puzzly engineering! | Blog

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